How to talk to girls - How do I look - dr jonathan toussaint - health professional, published author, and registered marriage celebrant


“How to Talk to Girls”, written by dr john toussaint, serves as a practical guide for teenage boys on one of the most challenging aspects of growing up: learning on how to talk to girls.It gives an overview of how to combat awkwardness and shyness but also on how to develop long lasting friendships and what is needed to turn this into a relationship down the track.


Keys to a healthy body image

Written by dr john toussaint, Whether its girls comparing themselves to unrealistic images portrayed in the media, or boys needing to muscle up, it often results in feelings of inadequacy and poor self esteem. When self-worth is tied to physical appearance and pressure to emulate the ideal body is promoted in our culture, it affects the wellbeing and quality of life of many young people.
Negative body image is reaching epidemic proportions with scientific evidence showing the affect this has on young people’s mental health, confidence and self-worth.
This book is an essential resource designed to raise awareness about the importance of positive body image regardless of body shape, ethnicity and other physical features. It provides valuable strategies to help a young person combat negative body image pressures, develop a stronger sense of health and wellbeing, and encourage them to reach their full potential.

How do I look - Dr jonathan toussaint - health professional, published author, and registered marriage celebrant